The GATHERING IN GRATITUDE process has been alive and well

since 2007 and originated in the 1990’s

based on Hazrat Inayat Khan’s Sufi Element Breaths and Joanna Macy’s Council of All Beings.

Watch “The Source,” above, a beautiful 21 minute documentary film by Chip Duggin about the Gathering in Gratitude process, here:

About the Creator and Director of the Gathering in Gratitude Process:
Luz Elena Morey, MA, RDT., (pronounced Lu Selaina More ee) is a Colombian-born musician, theatre director and transformational life coach.  A Registered Drama Therapist (RDT) with the North American Drama Therapy Association, certified in the liberating Mental Wealth Method, Luz Elena specializes in helping people embody their soul-centered magnificence and authentic creativity. Luz Elena has facilitated transformational expressive-arts programs for people of all ages for over 40 years.  More information about Luz Elena is here.


  • "No matter how many productions I have been in and seen, attending this new one moved me to tears."

  • “The productions are very relaxing and I come out of there feeling refreshed and renewed.”

  • "magical show"

  • "I love that in this process everyone's voice matters and is welcomed."

  • "Spectacular work!"

  • "Thank you! It fills my heart to see children and adults playing together in a spirit of creativity and gratitude and not in the usual hierarchical model. May I participate in the next one?"

  • "Makes my heart and soul swell - beautiful- thank you!"

  • "Luz Elena carries a large heart not of this world ... an astral beam piercing the night"

  • "Words do not come nor would they suffice to describe my feelings/thoughts/reactions!"

Watch “The Words Before All Else,”
a 7 minute film by David Armstrong about his experience at Gathering in Gratitude, 2021, below.

What is Gathering in Gratitude?
Gathering in Gratitude (GiG) is a nature-based, creative process for personal and community healing. GiG empowers participants of all ages and experiential levels; performance professionals as well as those unfamiliar with stages. The GiG process creates a uniquely safe, sacred sharing environment. Ensemble members access their inner wisdom and strength while channeling forth a truly unprecedented, innovative presentation. Each offering is a unique combination of drama, music, dance, and visual arts which empowers a sense of wholeness and creativity for both participants and audiences. Presentations naturally reflect present-day challenges as well as deep, powerful, healthy, and emerging ways of being. Throughout the process, ensemble members are connecting with their souls, each other, nature, and their sense of unfurling community. Participants explore new cultures, their own gifts, ancient practices, and personal dreams, visions, and stories, weaving these into a greater gift to share with the community.
Created by Luz Elena Morey, * the Gathering in Gratitude process is inspired by the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Thanksgiving Address (TGA), aka “The Words Before All Else.” ** The TGA is an ancient practice for building personal and communal peace and unity. The TGA is shared about in more detail, below, along with the story of how this process was sanctioned to be used as a source of inspiration for GiG, by one of Luz Elena’s mentors, the late Tekaronianeken Jake Swamp, a Wolf Clan Mohawk diplomat and chief. Jake’s nobility and life work (see biography, below) are profoundly inspirational.

* Read about the birth of the Gathering in Gratitude process, below.
** Read through the Thanksgiving Address, below.

Visit Gathering in Gratitude 2020: The Great Mysteries  fb page:

Visit Gathering in Gratitude 2020: The Great Mysteries
fb page:

Welcome to Gathering in Gratitude 2021: NOW


This was the welcome video for Gathering in Gratitude 2021. Check it out and get a feeling for GiG.

Luz Elena Morey’s Gratitude for Jake Swamp:

The Birth of the Gathering in Gratitude Process

In the summer of 2007, I felt guided by my inner wisdom to offer a community-uniting sacred theater presentation inspired by the Haudenosaunee* ‘Thanksgiving Address,’ also known as 'The Words Before All Else.’  

Since 1998, I'd felt literally illuminated by the profound teachings of the Thanksgiving Address, which is an ancient practice of the Haudenosaunee: The Mohawk, Onandaga, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida and Tuscadora nations.  Having met Jake and Judy Swamp many years ago, and having had the blessing of learning from their family and community in upstate New York, I was encouraged by them to focus more consciously on always giving thanks for all of the natural world, and bringing this practice to the children, teens and adults I worked with.

So, in the summer of 2007, seeking advice and sanctioning, I contacted Tekaronianeken Jake Swamp, a Wolf Clan Mohawk diplomat, global ambassador of peace, author and mentor. May his soul rest in peace. (Please read his biography, below.) On the phone, Jake listened patiently in his noble and heart-centered way.   He encouraged me to be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address and instructed me to always create something new from it, in a way that resonated with me, personally, and in a way that made sense to the people in the community ensemble who were participating in the work. 
Then he asked, “How may I help?” He proceeded to make us a recording: "The Origin of the Thanksgiving Address," and we used it for several performances.
Jake's blessing and encouragement has been foundational in all the healing, expressive, and artistic work that has unfurled in so many communities, thanks to this ancient practice from his people.

What has emerged is “Gathering in Gratitude,” a sacred theatrical community presentation: a pageant of music, dance and drama that is newly created, from nothing save attuning with gratitude to the Earth and Cosmos and our own souls. Each time it is new and fashioned entirely by the multi-generational cast.
The work brings people’s minds and hearts together as One, by honoring the natural world. It is a healing process.

Each year, since 2007, we’ve created Gathering in Gratitudes. The first was called, “The Words Before All Else.” Each process and presentation springs forth, naturally, and with a unique theme, depending on those gathered to dive in. Gathering in Gratitudes have been created and presented in New Lebanon, New York at the Mountain Road School; in Brattleboro, Vermont, born at Mahalo Art Center and presented at the Hooker Dunham Theatre, the Vermont Jazz Center, the Stone Church, and 118 Elliot. We have offered the process and presentations at the Gathering of Eagles in the South Dakota Black Hills, for indigenous elders from around the world, and then with children and teens at the Wounded Knee District School on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. In 2020 we gathered on an organic farm in Wisconsin and a film about the 2020 work is in process.
This creative work continues!

Remembering Jake Swamp and his supernaturally loving guidance, I recall another time when he helped us with a Gathering in Gratitude.
At 8am on Friday morning, October 15th, 2010, I sat at a diner with a cast member who was describing a vision he’d had for that year’s presentation. He saw himself on stage, lost in the pain of his own fast-paced, self–centered businessman lifestyle, and then, he saw himself visiting a Native American elder - a healer - a medicine man. He was asking for help.

Over breakfast, we discussed the implications of these visions, as well as modern western society, emotional breakdowns, nature-based experiences and nature-inspired revelations and actions that lead to more peaceful, healthy and community-centered ways of living.

As we headed for the door, he stopped me, paused inwardly a moment, and said, "The Native American - he is a chief."

I replied, "OK," totally trusting this process, as usual. I knew that as we continue listening deeply and patiently, all becomes clear. 
We stepped out into the pouring rain.

I walked across the street and in a moment arrived at my next appointment. Greeted at the door, I was ushered to a private room, sat down, was handed the phone. That’s when I got the news that Chief Jake Swamp had taken the journey into the next world.

May peace be with his spirit!

The Thanksgiving Address says that the enlightened teachers who have died may be called upon for help and that they will come and guide us.

Jake guided the presentation that year, which honored loss in it’s many forms. The presentation embodied the experiences of, and transformation of, so many losses: losses of livelihoods, limbs, pets, family members, babies, teens, elders, and the loss of mental capacities and memories.
Jake has been a loving and noble guide for me and I am deeply grateful for his wisdom and his loving compassion.

I would like to take a moment to honor this amazing ambassador of peace, even more! I always found Jake to be peaceful, profoundly respectful, wise, powerful, community-enriching and supportive. I remember another time, many years ago, when I called Jake Swamp for advice, on the telephone.  As co-founder and co-director of the Vermont Wilderness School, I felt responsible to do what I could to oversee community wellness. There was some strife happening and also a lot of talk of Haudenosaunee-style “peace-making” among the people in our community at that time. Many people were advocating for the use of a Haudenosuanee peacemaking formula that I found was open to different interpretations.  Righteousness, condemnation and divisiveness was in the air, as people pursued ‘community’ ‘peace.’ Or, was it a pursuit of a comfortable sense of safety that shut out people and emotions that felt unsafe to those in power? I perceived the presence of judgment and passive-aggressive behavior purporting to be peaceful behavior, and that concerned me greatly. 
So, I called Jake for guidance.  He told me that different people at different stages of their development have different ways of being. He instructed me to have integrity and interpret these peace-making teachings in a way that honored my own being, my truth and my culture.  Once again, Jake Swamp took a stand to share from his culture in a way that encouraged the honoring of everyone, even those who are at different developmental stages, and who come from different cultures. He encouraged the honoring of one’s own way of being. This is the same message he gave me about how to work with the Thanksgiving Address when working with groups!

With all the present strife about oppression in all its nuances, and knowing that his people are familiar with the ugliness of oppression in all its facades, Jake’s message and powerful noble energy, as it continues to reverberate in our lives, now, is all the more astounding.

I am thankful that Jake supported me in using the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address as a springboard for the Gathering in Gratitude sacred theatre presentations. He told me, specifically, to honor the realities, themes and narratives that would come from the people in the ensemble. This, we do.

I am most grateful for Jake Swamp’s kindness, patience, caring, generosity, wisdom, humility, nobility and encouragement. And I am grateful for his family and all the people who he has touched with his noble soul, and for those who supported him and his family during his lifetime of service!  I encourage all of us on the path of peace to continue to listen deeply and to follow our callings in service to the peace and well being of all the future generations.

The Gathering in Gratitude process was sanctioned in 2007 by the late Tekaronianeken Jake Swamp.

The Gathering in Gratitude process was sanctioned in 2007 by the late Tekaronianeken Jake Swamp.

Tekaronianeken Jake Swamp
From the Tree of Peace Society:

Tekaronianeken, meaning "Where two skies come together", was born at home at Akwesasne Mohawk Nation Territory in 1941. He married Judy Point of Akwesasne and they raised seven children together and also have 23 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.

For over thirty years, Jake was a Mohawk Sub-chief and representative of the Mohawk Nation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. In holding the position as a leader of the Akwesasne Mohawk Nation his responsibilities included presiding over thanksgiving ceremonies, birth and marriage ceremonies, counseling, funeral rites, and the politics of the nation and confederacy.

In addition to nation and community responsibilities, Jake has been involved in many political activities over the years, which are an indication of his commitment to the plight of the Indigenous people of the Americas. Jake's involvement with politics began in the late 1960’s when Native People across America were fighting for their Human and Treaty Rights. Participating in the 1969 International Seaway Bridge Blockade was just the beginning of many initiatives of activism for Jake Swamp. 

Chief Jake Swamp

Jake Swamp was of the delegation that was involved with the negotiations after the Wounded Knee occupation, participated in the Longest Walk, and was also a part of the Ganienkeh Land reclamation. He attended the Russell Tribunal in the Netherlands, and has traveled to Geneva, Switzerland as a delegate of the Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy

Jake has inspired a new generation of Mohawk leaders and teachers who are now taking the place of Elders in the communities of the Iroquois and was directly involved in the creation of the Akwesasne Freedom School - a Mohawk language immersion school of critical acclaim that has been an inspiration to many First Nation peoples in the United States and Canada. He was also director of an environmental education project and introduced aqua-culture to the community of Akwesasne. He also managed C.K.O.N Radio Station in which he developed a Mohawk language program with the elders of Akwesasne. Jake has inspired hundreds of people of many races and cultures through working with a number of influential organizations.

In 1982, Jake Swamp founded the Tree of Peace Society, which is based on the teachings of the Peacemaker and the formation of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy. The mandate is to provide a historical review of the contributions of the Iroquois Confederacy and to re-enact the tree planting ceremony by burying the weapons of war involving all races and creeds to uphold the principles of the Great Law of Peace.

The Tree of Peace Society was sanctioned by the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs in 1985 and by the Grand Council of the Haudenosaunee as an effective means of pursuing and implementing cultural and environmental education. The Tree of Peace Society was incorporated as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit corporation in New York State in 1994.

As result of his thirty years experience as a sub-chief of the Mohawk Nation and international ambassador, Jake has been traveling around the world, doing tree planting ceremonies in diverse places such as Israel, Australia, South America, England, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Italy, Morroco, Japan, Thailand, France, Germany and Sweden. He has also planted a tree at St. Johns' Cathedral in New York City and over twenty colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. Through his tree planting efforts, Jake has inspired the planting of over 200 million trees. He continues to inspire many college students of all races and backgrounds through his extensive lecturing schedule which takes him to over 10 universities and other speaking engagements a year.

Jake has appeared on the television program Five Hundred Nations, which has become educational software; Ancient Prophecies which aired in 1994 on NBC, Finite Oceans which aired on the Discovery channel in 1994; and educational display videos for the Carnegie Museum in Chicago. Jake isthe author of the children's book Giving Thanks, A Native American Good Morning Message (Lee & Low Books), which has been translated into five languages and was featured on the PBS television show Reading Rainbow. Jake also authored The Peacemaker's Journey audio cassette produced by Parabola Magazine (1996).

Jake Swamp served as President of the Tree of Peace Society and maintained an active schedule of lectures, workshops and tree plantings. He was previously employed with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne facilitating the "Men for Change" program at the Iethinistenha Family Violence Shelter, working with men on domestic violence issues. He worked as a cultural adviser for the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne's Child and Family Services until his passing.

© 2010 Tree of Peace Society
326 Cook Road, Hogansburg, N.Y. 13655
Phone/Fax (518) 358-2641

The Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address

Greetings to the Natural World

The People
Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as people. Now our minds are one.

The Earth Mother
We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. It gives us joy that she continues to care for us as she has from the beginning of time. To our mother, we send greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one.

The Waters
We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst and providing us with strength. Water is life. We know its power in many forms- waterfalls and rain, mists and streams, rivers and oceans. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the spirit of Water. Now our minds are one.

The Fish
We turn our minds to the all the Fish life in the water. They were instructed to cleanse and purify the water. They also give themselves to us as food. We are grateful that we can still find pure water. So, we turn now to the Fish and send our greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one.

The Plants
Now we turn toward the vast fields of Plant life. As far as the eye can see, the Plants grow, working many wonders. They sustain many life forms. With our minds gathered together, we give thanks and look forward to seeing Plant life for many generations to come. Now our minds are one.

The Food Plants
With one mind, we turn to honor and thank all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people survive. Many other living things draw strength from them too. We gather all the Plant Foods together as one and send them a greeting of thanks. Now our minds are one.

The Medicine Herbs
Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting and ready to heal us. We are happy there are still among us those special few who remember how to use these plants for healing. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to the Medicines and to the keepers of the Medicines. Now our minds are one.

The Animals
We gather our minds together to send greetings and thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. We are honored by them when they give up their lives so we may use their bodies as food for our people. We see them near our homes and in the deep forests. We are glad they are still here and we hope that it will always be so. Now our minds are one

The Trees
We now turn our thoughts to the Trees. The Earth has many families of Trees who have their own instructions and uses. Some provide us with shelter and shade, others with fruit, beauty and other useful things. Many people of the world use a Tree as a symbol of peace and strength. With one mind, we greet and thank the Tree life. Now our minds are one.

The Birds
We put our minds together as one and thank all the Birds who move and fly about over our heads. The Creator gave them beautiful songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. The Eagle was chosen to be their leader. To all the Birds-from the smallest to the largest-we send our joyful greetings and thanks. Now our minds are one.

The Four Winds
We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us and purify the air we breathe. They help us to bring the change of seasons. From the four directions they come, bringing us messages and giving us strength. With one mind, we send our greetings and thanks to the Four Winds. Now our minds are one.

The Thunderers
Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. We are thankful that they keep those evil things made by Okwiseres underground. We bring our minds together as one to send greetings and thanks to our Grandfathers, the Thunderers. Now our minds are one.

The Sun
We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. He is the source of all the fires of life. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Brother, the Sun. Now our minds are one.

Grandmother Moon
We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world, and she governs the movement of the ocean tides. By her changing face we measure time, and it is the Moon who watches over the arrival of children here on Earth. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to our Grandmother, the Moon. Now our minds are one.

The Stars
We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness and bringing dew to the gardens and growing things. When we travel at night, they guide us home. With our minds gathered together as one, we send greetings and thanks to the Stars. Now our minds are one.

The Enlightened Teachers
We gather our minds to greet and thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. With one mind, we send greetings and thanks to these caring teachers. Now our minds are one.

The Creator
Now we turn our thoughts to the Creator, or Great Spirit, and send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. For all the love that is still around us, we gather our minds together as one and send our choicest words of greetings and thanks to the Creator. Now our minds are one.

Closing Words
We have now arrived at the place where we end our words. Of all the things we have named, it was not our intention to leave anything out. If something was forgotten, we leave it to each individual to send such greetings and thanks in their own way. Now our minds are one.

This translation of the Mohawk version of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address was developed, published in 1993, and provided, courtesy of: Six Nations Indian Museum and the Tracking Project All rights reserved. Thanksgiving Address: Greetings to the Natural World English version: John Stokes and Kanawahienton (David Benedict, Turtle Clan/Mohawk) Mohawk version: Rokwaho (Dan Thompson, Wolf Clan/Mohawk) Original inspiration: Tekaronianekon (Jake Swamp, Wolf Clan/Mohawk)

* The Haudenosaunee are also referred to as the Iroquois.

Gathering in Gratitude

The Time is NOW and we gather, again and again
thankful for the natural world.
Sharing our feelings of gratitude for All of Nature, our minds become One.

Unity and peace grow and our hearts grow.
And we all know we All have the power of LIFE in our souls
as we all co-create the whole Cosmos.
Welcome to Gathering in Gratitude.
Remember who you are and that we are all co-creating our realities NOW, ALL TOGETHER and side by side.
DEAR HEART, you, reading this now: your very Being makes BEAUTIFUL DREAMS more REAL.

As you breath in and breathe out, more gratitude can flow, cleansing and filling your Mind with your Soul!
Together we do this. ENJOY!
Thank you!